RICHeS Infrastructure Headquarters (IHQ)

RICHeS is headquartered at Sci-Tech Daresbury, alongside STFC Daresbury Laboratory, which is home to the Hartree Centre, the Accelerator Science and Technology Centre and the Cockcroft Institute. Locating RICHeS at Daresbury will strengthen the links between heritage science and cutting-edge scientific capabilities, creating a collaborative space for members of the heritage science community to meet. The RICHeS IHQ will act as a vital support system for heritage research programmes both in North West England and across the UK.  

RICHeS IHQ will house a permanent delivery team who will support grant holders, researchers and facility users, as well as support the UK’s involvement in the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS). The team will be overseen by RICHeS Programme Board, chaired by Professor Dana Arnold.